
Submitted by admin on Tue, 01/01/2019 - 14:25

Cando fun a fotografalo tituleino Solpor en Loiba, Solpor en Loiba 

A Voz incluino entre os 15 solpores de Galicia como se pode ver no lugar anterior. Pero que é Loiba en celta?

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lá, m. (gs. lae, pl. laethanta).Day. 1. (a) Daytime. An ~ agus an oíche, day and night. (De) ~ agus (d’) oíche, by day and by night. Sa ~, i rith an lae, in the daytime, during the day. ~ breá, samhraidh, fine, summers, day. ~ triomaigh, good day for drying. ~ cladaigh, féir, a day for the beach, for haymaking. (b) Daylight, dawn. ina ~, it is day. an ~ bán ann, it is clear daylight. Le solas an lae, by daylight. Go ~, till dawn. Leis, roimh, an ~, at, before, dawn. I lár an lae ghil, in broad daylight. ár sáith de ~ againn, we have enough daylight left. Thugamar an ~ linn go ceann scríbe, we reached our destination in daylight. (c) Twenty-four-hour period. ~ na gréine, the solar day. Seacht ~ na seachtaine, the seven days of the week. ~ is bliain, a year and a day.

i2, prep. In.

1, f. (gs. ~, pl. ~nna).1. Bay. (a) Bay in sea. ~

Día na baía, pode ser un dos significados. Outro... Día en paso a era -ser pasado-, unha poética forma de falar de solpor. Día en solpor. Se é así, todos os celtas e os actuais, identificamos a Loiba cun marabilloso solpor. E por fin, se supoñemos que o topónimo orixinal era Loibás, a conclusión afiánzase: O día en morte, sería a tradución, o solpor, a posta do sol é o mas destacado da costa de Loiba. Coma no caso de Lobás.