O pelo rubio é galego, razón polo que o teñen así os irlandeses

Submitted by admin on Wed, 01/20/2021 - 22:19

Rubio, di a RAG, é a persoa que ten o pelo, o cabelo tirando a vermello ou amarelento.

Unha pregunta en Quora:

Was red hair prevalent in Southern Ireland before the Norman invasion following 1066 conquest of England? If not did Irish Norman lords practice ‘Jus primae noctis’ (right of the first night) or Droit du Seigneur’ (right of the lord).

Pregunta que contesta Wendy Carolan  Studied the History and Languages of Britain.

AS for the red hair, ‘Celtic’ people have carried the ginger gene for millennia, and one in ten people in Ireland have red hair:

Rather than originating with the Normans a few hundred years back, V60L allele, the ginger gene, first arrived 50,000 years ago when people left the hot climate of Africa to move north into Europe.

Redheads have very fair skin, almost always lighter than non-redheads. This is an advantage in northern latitudes and very rainy countries, where sunlight is sparse, as lighter skin improves the absorption of sunlight, which is vital for the production of vitamin D by the body.

Red hair is a recessive genetic trait caused by a series of mutations in the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R), a gene located on chromosome 16. As a recessive trait it must be inherited from both parents to cause the hair to become red.

Consequently there are far more people carrying the mutation for red hair than people actually having red hair; it is thought that the first people to settle in Ireland came from (Celtic) Galicia in northern Spain, which is possibly where the world Gaelic came from.


So the assumption in your question is somewhat back-to-front: it is now almost certain that native Irish and Scottish Celts introduced red hair to the Norse, and not vice versa. Many Celts were taken (probably as slaves) to southwest Norway by the Vikings, and that they increased the frequency of red hair there.

The genetic causes, ethnic origins and history of red hair

 Crese que as primeiras persoas que se instalaron en Irlanda procederon de Galicia (celta) do norte de España, que é posiblemente de onde veu o mundo gaélico. (t is thought that the first people to settle in Ireland came from (Celtic) Galicia in northern Spain, which is possibly where the world Gaelic came from).

Nada máis que dicir. Os irlandeses, escoceses, e algúns británicos saben que veñen xeneticamente de Galicia. O cal non lles fai nin mellores nin peores. Pero o 90% dos historiadores galegos e un 99% dos linguistas galegos cren que os galegos naceron cando chegaron os romanos, polo que falamos únicamente latín, os nomes dos lugares son latinos, ou posteriores, duns ridíliculos Quintilianus suevos.

Pois eu quédome cos historiadores británicos como Wendy Carolan. Co sentido común. Todo celtia.org ten ese tinte. Toda Galicia e a toponimia galega o reflicte. Pero non hai máis cego co que non quere ver.